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Diversity Sculpture for Valley Hi Community

The Peacock Sculpture, is representing BEAUTY and DIVERSITY in the Valley Hi Community on the Common Ground Covenant Church Campus. Art has the power to unite everyone no matter the race, age, or culture.


Job Weldemariam


8355 Arroyo Vista Drive Sacramento, CA 95823

About the project

My vision is to build an 8 feet tall Peacock Sculpture made out of fiberglass with a metal structure. I will be using flowers and plants in lieu of the feathers to inspire the community to conserve nature. I hope this will encourage them to appreciate the outdoors and nature. The sculpture will represent beauty and diversity which I know will bring ingenuity to the Valley-Hi community. I will be using the money raised to build this large and beautyful sculpture. 

The Steps

I start off by preparing my workspace and buying the materials I will be using. I will be working a professional welding team to weld a metal structure together to ensure the sculpture is strong. Then I start designing and building the form by using a sculpting clay. After the form is done, I will be pouring a silicone rubber mold over the sculpture. Making the mold requires multiple silicone coats to be applied. After the mold is completed I start making the sculpture by applying multiple layers of fiberglass and resin to reinforce the sculpture. Then I cover the entire sculpture in a bronze paint for more durability and strength. The final step is to paint the sculpture, transport and install it in a public place. 

Why we‘re doing it

I believe art has the power to shape and mold our lives and experiences, no matter our past and background. It gives us a new perspective and allows us to express our feelings freely. I will continue to speak about the importance of conserving nature and unity in diversity in our neighborhood and communities. I hope that my sculpture will provide an ooportuniy to gather with other people from all walks of life. Thank you for allowing me to create this unique sculpture to inspire and impact our community. 

$25,600.00 / $25,600.00