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Cleveland Youth Ambassadors for Peace and Change

Helping international students in the City of Cleveland to brake barriers in culture by teaching them leadership and exposing them to diplomacy and advocay.


Hilda Abreu


3952 W 140th Cleveland, OH 44111

About the project

Cleveland Youth Ambassadors for Peace and Change is a group of Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) students inspired by Advocates for Peace and Change grassroots work in the community with international students, refugees, and newcommers resideing in Cleveland. Having received services from UNICEF during transition to USA, students are inspirerd to be the embassadors for new voices of racial equity and inclusion in Clevelad and its neighboring communities.

We are hoping to raise funds to take 11 students to Washington, D.C. to the UNICEF Student Summit where they will learn leadership, advocacy, community buliding, and activating community to move towards racial equity and inclusion of children and youth.

Exposing youth to diplomcy and advocacy in Washington, D.C. during the summitt will enhance their knowlege, leadership skills, and personal growth, which they can use  throughout their lives and will inspire them to work in the community. 

The Steps

1. Rent and pick up Van on 3/15/19

2. Pick-up students on 3/16/19 at 1:00 AM to travel to Washingtong, D.C

3. Arrive at Ronald Reagan Convention Center in Washington, D.C. and check-in and register students for the plenary andn day evening workshops 3/16/19

4. Take students to dinner and to rest 3/16/19

5. Attend workshops throughout the day starting 9:00 AM 3/17/19. Take students to dinner at  8:00 PM 

6. Attend general assembly and workshops from 8:30 am to 7:00 3/18/19. Take students to dinner after the day is finished

7. Attend Advocacy day and meet Representatives at Capitol Hills 3/18/19 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Take students to dinner after meetings are over. and head back to Cleveland.

8. Drop-off students at their homes 3/18/19 11:30 PM



Why we‘re doing it

We want to expose students to new opportunities and relationships that will help them in the ner future, but mainly for the students to learn about social justice, advocacy, and grassroots work on a global perspective.

$1,950.00 / $1,950.00