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Champions of the Lost Causes podcast summer road trip

Champions of the Lost Causes podcast host Marvin Stockwell and members of his family will crisscross America for 4 weeks this summer to document stories of people changing the world by championing causes.


Marvin Stockwell


East coast Memphis, TN 38111

About the project

Champions of the Lost Causes podcast host Marvin Stockwell -- along with members of his family -- will crisscross 12 states in four weeks this summer to document stories of people changing the world by championing causes and publishing them as episodes of his podcast.

"In my first 60 episodes, I've come to feel a real kinship with the people I've had on the show," Stockwell said. "Most of my early episodes featured people and causes in my hometown of Memphis, but through last year's inaugural Champions of the Lost Causes podcast summer road trip, we got to see what’s happening elsewhere in the country. We went out west last year, and are following that up by traveling to the east coast this summer!"

Stockwell began the podcast in 2019 to take his curiosity beyond his own civic cause – saving and reopening Memphis' shuttered Mid-South Coliseum.

"I first got curious about why I had the fire in the gut," said Stockwell, who began writing the full-length book, Champions of the Lost Causes, in 2018. "I wanted to get another lens on why people champion causes and learn from their experiences. This road trip is an extension of that."

The Steps

We will travel along the route below, recording Champions of the Lost Causes podcast episodes along the way.

6/30: Murfreesboro, TN

7/1-4: Richmond, VA

7/5: Philadelphia, PA

7/6-7: Washington, DC

7/8-13: New York City / New York State

7/14-15: Boston, MA

7/16-17: Rochester, NY

7/18-19: Cleveland, OH

7/20-21: Cinicinnati, OH

7/22-23: St. Louis, MO

7/24: Drive home to Memphis




Why we‘re doing it

In telling the stories of people championing causes, we will demonstrate that we all have the potential to change the world within our spheres of influence. The lost causes aren't lost, it turns out, because we found them, and increasingly, we are finding each other, for mutual aid and mutual encouragement. When people are encouraged, they are more likely to work to make positive changes in their community. That will resonate back to our hometown of Memphis, too! Listeners to the show tell me they are encouraged about what's going on in Memphis and elsewhere. So much on the news is negative, but my podcast features uplifting stories of hope. Stories of people working to change our city, our nation and our world are uplifting, and it makes people taking action much more likely. More people working to improve their communities will lead to the reform of society and, ultimately, toward bending the long more arc of the universe toward justice, as Dr. King described it.

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