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Bus Stop Love

Our goal is to fund and build a bus shelter that embraces the musical and peforming arts legacy in the Soulsville neighborhood.



Leni Stoeva


College and McLemore Memphis, TN 38106

About the project

At the busy intersection of McLemore and College Street, community members gather in harsh climates to wait for the bus without a place to sit and without protection from the extreme weather often experienced in Memphis.

But it does not have to be this way.

We cannot change the weather but we can improve the commute!

Our goal is to fund and build a bus shelter that embraces the musical and performing arts legacy in the Soulsville neighborhood.


Your donation buys

$10 and under


$11 to $25


$26 to $50

Plexi glass and finishing treatment

$51 to $199

Artisitic woodworking for seating


Local mastery carpenter skills

All donors' names will be included in the bus stop design as a commemorative display.

The Steps

  • Commission one or 2 skilled carpenters
  • Reuse as much reclaimed materials as possible
  • Get permission from Stax to place on their property and maintain
  • Recruit volunteers and do a community build.

Why we‘re doing it

There is no public seating for the residents in the community and people end up sitting on the ground. Riders will be able to sit and view improv musical performances and short playback plays put on by people and residents from the community while waiting for the bus. Who's working on this: Erick Brown, from the Delta and passionate about the community. Ashley Cash, a native Memphian, always looking for ways to make something better. Leni Stoeva, (Project coordinator) a creative mind, you can usually find her behind a paint brush. Katie Morales Trey Wilbun, a free spirit, full of GREAT ideas and who doesn't believe in No.

$8,155.00 / $8,155.00