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Bulbs Away! Block Spring Planting and Beautification

Spring / Summer gardening project to brighten and freshen street tree beds along Montgomery Street in Brooklyn.


Amy Pinkerton


Montgomery Street between Rogers Avenue and Nostrand Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11225

About the project

NYC Love Your Block grant recipient is scheduling a block beautification / gardening project to clean and brighten street tree beds and street-facing apartment gardens.  Volunteers will be raking and picking up debris along the street and then planting flower bulbs around the tree beds.  Goal is to visually transform our often ignored patch of Brooklyn.

The Steps

Will have shovels, mulch and flower bulbs on hand.  Need happy, able body volunteers to get dirty and bring some learning fun to neighborhood children who love to garden.

Why we‘re doing it

Renewing neighborhood involvement and pride of place. Taking action to demonstrate there is power in doing - even in small measures.  Nothing needs to hold you back - just. do. it.

$1,000.00 / $1,000.00