Bringing Sunflowers to Orange Mound
We are working to create sunflower gardens in Orange Mound to beautify the community, remove toxins from the soil so we can plant food gardens in the future, and raise awareness about lead poisoning.
Michael Hull
2367 Brooklyn Memphis, TN 38114
About the project
Orange Mound Organics are working to create sunflower gardens in Orange Mound. As experienced gardeners, we know that sunflowers not only beautify the community, they also remove harmful toxins in the soil and revitalize the soil for planting community gardens in the future.
These Sunflower gardens will:
- Beautify the community
- Raise awareness of lead poisoning in Orange Mound
- Prepare areas to become future community garden
To do this project, we will be partnering with Landmark Training and Development as well as youth groups such as BRIDGES. These groups will help us kick off the sunflower gardens in the spring of 2015 and will continue being involved as these sunflower gardens become community gardens albe to bring healthy food to the Orange Mound community.
The Steps
1. Clean and Clear the areas
2. Community and Youth Sunflower day to cultivate and plant sunflowers and create lead poison awareness signs to educate the community on the purpose of the sunflower garden.
3. Hold Community Sunflower Days to remove weeds and up keep
Why we‘re doing it
We are address:
- unsafe soils because of toxins
- Lead poisoning especially of children
- Hunger within the community
- Orange Mound as a Food Desert
- Blight