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Inspired by nature and using natural organisms redhouse studio aims to recycle building waste right here in Cleveland, Ohio. Help support this proof of concept to mitigate construction waste, and build susitainably.


Redhouse CM


1455 West 29th Street, Redhouse Studio Cleveland, OH 44113

About the project

BIOCYCLER is -the first of its kind  - building recycler that uses living organisms including microbes and fungi to make new buildings from old buildings. For this proof of concept project to be built in Cleveland, Ohio, we will construct a mobile unit that can recycle buildings from demolition debris to new materials. 

This may eventually lead to machines that can take the millions of tons waste from natural disasters and convert them to entire structures in a matter of weeks, and we hope it will lead to a better understanding and appreciation for the nascent bio-materials market. 

We use waste as building materials and microbes as laborers which makes for cheap and sustainable building practices. 

The Steps

redhouse studio has extensive experience working with alternative building materials and processes. redhouse principal architect and founder, Christopher Maurer, has written on earth construction technology for the Center for Architecture Foundation and AIA, and on biomaterial material production for CRC press. 

This project will take our expertise out of the lab and move it Into Our Back Yards. We will mobilize the equipment in a shipping container turned classroom ICAN2 Labs 

The lab will be equipped with all the tools to refine, clean, and inoculate waste materials so that they can be pressed into new materials using the living organisms as the glue or cement to bind them together naturally. 

We will take the container to one of the many demolition sites in Cleveland and work directly on site. We plan to turn that waste into structural insulating panels (SIPs) that can form the floors, walls, and roof of a new building.


biocycled structure:

Why we‘re doing it

534 millions of tons of construction debris went to landfills in 2014. - we can help mitigate that. 

Cleveland has demolished nearly 9,000 abandoned homes since 2006. - many thinning American cities are similar. 

2017 Shatters Records With $306 Billion In Damages From Climate-Linked Disasters - we can collect make use of disaster debris that has been choking relief efforts.

The building industry in the US is responsible for 39% of carbon emissions - our tech is extremely green. 


The main reason we are innovating around these topics is that some studies show that as many as 200 million people may be displaced each year by climatic events directly attributable to anthropogenic climate change by mid-century. The technology and resources to build for that staggering number of people DO NOT EXIST. With high embodied carbon footprints, current building practices will only exacerbate the climate crisis. The Bioterial revolution will help assist these billions of vulnerable people and stem conflict around resources. 

The Team: 


THANKS FROM ALL OF US AT redhouse studio!!!

$0.50 still needed of $8,725.00