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Bethany House - Building for a better 2021

Join Bethany House in bulding toward a better 2021. After a year defined by what we couldn't do, help support what BHA will do in 2021. New program, new envrionment and new leadership to serve Northview Heights.


Mike Jacobs


1500 Chicago Street Pittsburgh , PA 15214

About the project

The children of Northview Heights have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting mitigation efforts. Since the close of Pittsburgh Public Schools (and BHA), the children have received little, if any, in person instruction or classroom development time. As hopes for a vaccine improve, we are preparing to help address the pandemic education gap.

Though our in-person programs have been suspended, we have been hard at work. We have prepared new environments that are more conducive to effective instruction. This includes expanding to a new building and preparing that space for students. We have also been reviewing curriculum, formalizing programming, upgrading technology and taking inventory of learning materials.

In December, we are launching socially distant, small group mentoring and tutoring program to begin resuming programming to address this urgent need in a safe manner.

In hoping for a return to normal in 2021, we are preparing to (re)launch other programming, including our early childhood education programs as soon as conditions permit. Your support will help us meet the needs of the community as soon as possible.


The Steps

With your support, we can help complete: the build-out of the new environment, curriculum improvements, staff hiring and improved training and enhanced community outreach.

Why we‘re doing it

Almost every child has been impacted by the pandemic. Children in Northview Heights more so than many. We stand ready to close that gap as quickly as possible.

$4,475.00 / $4,475.00