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50 Fish! & Online Classroom

Learn about WATER & MAKE ART for #EarthYear50 


JoAnn Moran


5 Participating Neighborhoods New Haven, CT 06513

About the project

Lots of Fish - Art & Environmental Education 

50 Fish! kicks-off our pilot Runoff Art program in celebration of the 50th year of Earth Day. 

The Runoff Art program works with artists, educators, musicians, and scientists to engage students and the community in a multi-faceted stormwater Public Outreach & Education program to help reduce pollutants entering our waterways through stormwater runoff.

COVID-19 - Help us move our water education & musical performances ONLINE!

Our Online Classroom will feature a series of lessons on water science, coupled with interactive activities and performances!

  1. Lesson: Water & City Sewer Systems
  2. Lesson: Stormwater & Storm Drains
  3. Lesson: Water Cycle & Watersheds
  4. Lesson: Impervious Surfaces & Pollution
  5. Lesson: Environmental Ethics & Solutions
  6. Lesson: Art & Nature - drawing from nature
  7. Citizen Science activities - for students and families at home
  8. Art & Design activities: Students design artwork for storm drains, rain barrels, cross-street banners, and street painting. Students and community members will participate in the public installation of all artworks when social distancing measures allow.

See and Listen to the draft animation of The Rain Barrel Song by Frank Panzarella

We designed this pilot program as an adaptable and scalable model for communities in Connecticut and beyond. Runoff Art aligns with the EPA MS4 to help municipalities meet their permit requirements. We are working to incorporate QR and GIS technology for an innovative, user-friendly pedestrian experience!

Runoff Art inspires humans of all ages to care about their local waterways.

Runoff Art hosts a robust public education program and green jobs for youth. Both in-school and community based, Citizen Science activities support the health of our local waterways and marine habitats. The ultimate goal is to inspire and engage the rising generation to care about the water systems in their neighborhoods. In the process, they will become citizen scientists, local eco-warriors, street artists, and community-minded neighbors.

The Steps

The program runs in two phases.

Phase 1:  April - July 15th, 2020 - Adapted to COVID-19 protocol, the education program will begin in New Haven schools. In July (TBD), we start painting rain barrels, traffic-calming street-art, cross-street banners, and up to 15 storm drains around schools.

Phase 2: July 16th - October 15th, 2020 - Fish art painting on 35 storm drains, and up to 20 rain barrels with youth & community groups.

The Phase 1 Pilot has six main components:

  1. (COVID-19 Adapted Online) Create animations, virtual educational presentations, and record musical performances.
  2. (COVID-19 Adapted Online) Conduct & distribute lessons and Citizen Science activities for New Haven teachers with students at home.  
  3. (COVID-19 Adapted Online) Conduct surveys and quizzes to quantify educational benefits and citizen response
  4. Create art with QR codes installed on and above streets,15 storm drains and up to 10 rain barrels.
  5. Develop a user-friendly GIS map of storm drains to host a variety of informative and interactive experiences.
  6. Conduct ongoing public outreach & education on Lots of Fish social media and website platforms. 

Lots of Fish original animations for H2O Education. Watch a sample animation HERE.


We are seeking matching funds for Phase 1




Why we‘re doing it

About Lots of Fish

Lots of Fish (LOF) is an Art & Environmental Education project based in New Haven, CT. Initiated in 2018, LOF is the brainchild of artist and environmental advocate JoAnn Moran. Through her dedicated effort, LOF has been engaging and exposing city youth and community members through a series of environmental art and impact projects, events, presentations, and public awareness campaigns. Lots of Fish hosts school-year and summer youth employment programs to create Artful projects that reduce pollution.

50 Fish on 50 Storm Drains!

A large amount of pollution in rivers, and streams comes from oil residue, fertilizers, and litter carried by stormwater runoff into our storm drains. Studies show that storm drain art works to raise citizen awareness of storm drain connections to local waterways. Lots of Fish Runoff Art program aims to educate local communities about stormwater runoff and ways they can help mitigate pollution! 

Artists, Youth, Community Groups create the artworks for storm drains and rain barrels! 

  • Artists submit designs online for review and selection
  • Youth assistants will be provided to artists for production during summer youth employment.  
  • Youth engagement - Summer Youth Employment and School Participation involve youth during:
    • The school year in coordination with Science and Art teachers
    • Summer Youth Employment and Summer Camps
  • Community Groups - generate designs together or select archived student designs to paint on storm drain e.g. community garden locations.     

$28,626.00 / $28,626.00