Open Streets Knoxville
Participants are clamoring for more Open Streets Knoxville, with a longer route and longer hours! We need your support to make this happen in 2016.
Kelley Segars
Central Street Knoxville, TN 37917
About the project
"The tax deductibility of your donation may be affected by goods or services received. Please contact your financial advisor with questions about claiming your gift as a deduction."
The Steps
We're completing the evalution component of Open Streets Knoxville 2015 in order to recruit 2016 major sponsors. We'll also be working with our 2015 partners on their in-kind donations of staff time and marketing support.
Why we‘re doing it
Open Streets events introduce Knoxville residents to fun physical activity and celebrate our streets as public spaces where we can all gather. Many local residents have little opportunity to access activity centers and events of this kind. Once residents are exposed to these opportunities, we expect Open Streets will contribute to long-term changes in the walkability and bikeability of our community, as awareness increases of the need for both places and infrastructure to walk and bicycle on a regular basis, and as the community’s capacity to make those changes increases.